Monday, September 19, 2011

I've been sorted! (on Pottermore)

Hello my butterflies!

As you might know, I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan. I mean, I'm the fan that waited in line at midnight for the last book when I was 11! I mean, I'm the fan who's re-read all of the books at least 3 times. So yeah, I'm a big fan. When I heard about Pottermore, J.K. Rowling's new site for exclusive content and such, I was excited. I was even more excited when I got in early! Now, I've been on Pottermore for a little while now but today is the day! What day? The day I was sorted!

So which house did I get sorted into?? I was sorted into... RAVENCLAW! I have to admit, I always liked Ravenclaw. Also, I always liked Luna, who is a Ravenclaw. I was actually hoping I would get sorted into Ravenclaw so I was happy with my house. My sisters weren't happy though. They're both Hufflepuffs, so they were hoping I'd be a Hufflepuff too.

I really liked the sorting process. In other sorting hat quizzes I've taken (and I've taken a few), it's pretty obvious which house each answer choice corresponds to. Pottermore's sorting hat questionnaire however wasn't obvious at all. I couldn't tell what each choice led to at all, which made it more like what I assume the real thing would be like.

So I'm officially a Ravenclaw! Are any of my butterflies Ravenclaws??

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