Friday, April 18, 2014

Ah, rewrites! [Album 2 diaries - #2]

Hello my butterflies!

Ah, rewrites! Rewriting a song is a necessary but sometimes difficult step in the process. It's necessary because 99 out of 100 songs don't hit the paper perfectly and need tweaks in lyrics, melody, etc. to make it a better song. Sometimes though, it's hard because you have to come up with new lyrics, etc. right then and there.

Today, we worked on getting the vocal parts for the rest of the song done. We had to rework the last two verses to fit the melody and the story better and also had to make minor changes to Wednesday's parts. My songwriting partner and label-mate Mario M (el Rockero) also added a cool new bridge, since mine wasn't working for the song anymore. It took a bit to rework everything, but I'm happy with how it turned out!

I also got to sing my song today to lay down a demo for it. It felt good to sing to a new song again. And I really loved how it sounded. It wasn't perfect, but that's ok because I was only recording a demo, so I recorded what's called a "scratch vocal", which is used for reference. Later on, before it's recorded for real, I'll work on it and get it the way I want it.

All in all, another great day! I'm very excited about the progress made so far! Most of all, I'm excited that we've finished a new song! Right now, there's no way of knowing if it'll end up on the final track listing, but I'm happy to have something in the "done" pile!

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